


hail damage insurance

Can You Claim Hail Damage Twice?

Can You Claim Hail Damage Twice?

Are you wondering whether or not it is possible to claim hail damage twice? Here's what you need to know about making a second claim.

Americans file about 750,000 hail damage claims annually with auto insurance companies. Texas ranks #1 for hailstorms across the US with about 458 hail-related events in 2022. If you're a vehicle owner in the Lone Star state, you likely have needed to contend with damage at least once.

Here, we're going to talk about the claims process and whether you can claim hail damage twice. Read on to learn how to file a claim the right way and get your vehicle fixed up ASAP.

Can You File Multiple Hail Damage Claims?

The short answer to this question is "yes." You have the right to submit as many hail damage claims as you want.

Texas courts say that concurrent cases should be recognized. However, they also note that the insured person will only get compensation for the things that fall under their coverage plan. This is what most people expect when filing a claim, so it's no big deal.

Still, it's important to look into the rating system your specific insurance company uses. You might have certain guidelines and limitations because of the specific plan you're covered by.

Why Would You Claim Hail Damage Multiple Times?

Remember that you're not going to file a claim twice for the same hail damage. You're likely going to be filing hail damage claims years apart. It's only necessary if your vehicle is damaged during multiple incidents while you're under one insurance policy.

You're said to have multiple claims at once if the first one is still unresolved when you file the second. It doesn't matter if the damage happened twice in one day or a year apart. All that matters is that the claim is open.

The main reason that you would file two hail damage claims is that you can't lump them into a single claim. You want compensation for both incidents, and making them into a single incident would not give you the damages you're owed. Additionally, grouping claims is generally not allowed under most insurance policies, so it's a moot point regardless.

How Can You Do This?

First, you'll want to assess your vehicle and figure out how bad the damage is. You need to figure this out before talking to your insurance company. The extent of the damage will impact how much compensation you can get, so be detailed and take pictures from all angles.

At this point, you'll want to call your insurance company. The claims adjuster will tell you how many claims you can submit. They'll also let you know roughly how much compensation you can expect so you can come up with a realistic plan for fixing the damage.

To file a claim, you'll need to:

  • Take photos of the damage and back them up somewhere safe
  • Go to a trusted professional and get an estimate for repairs
  • Don't immediately initiate repairs if you plan to make a claim (you can do that later)
  • Juxtapose the estimate with your insurance deductible
  • Call up your insurance agency and file a comprehensive claim
  • Collect the repairs money (minus the deductible) if your car's deemed repairable
  • Go back to the professional body shop that gave you your estimate for repairs

For every subsequent claim, you'll need to undergo this process again.

Can Multiple Claims Impact Your Insurance Policy?

Usually, you will file a comprehensive claim to recover money to repair hail damage. In Texas, comprehensive coverage pays for anything that isn't a collision, including dents from hail. Comprehensive claims usually don't impact your insurance premium at all if you file just one.

However, making multiple claims is likely to increase the amount you pay annually. If you file two claims within a year, your payments are going to go up by about 8%. This figure comes from data from carinsurance.com, which assesses many different policyholders who have made multiple claims.

The increase makes sense when you consider how insurance companies operate. If you're a high-risk policyholder, they're likely going to have to shell out more money over time for you. So, the company is going to charge you more upfront to give you coverage for all claims.

You also should consider whether you intend to keep your current policy. Insurance companies have the right to decide who to work with. If you make many claims, they may choose not to renew your policy next year.

This usually only happens if you make a ton of different claims in a short timeframe. Two hail damage claims aren't going to create much of a problem for you. Still, it's something to keep in mind.

Are 2+ Claims Worthwhile?

Whether you should make multiple insurance claims depends on several factors. You'll need to determine how much of the claim amount is your responsibility. This means looking into what caused the hail damage to see what you can get and the extent of the repairs you'll need.

If your premium is going to go up more than you would be paying for an out-of-pocket fix, filing a second claim after a previous hailstorm may not be worth it.

To figure this out, you'll need to talk with paintless dent repair professionals. Experts can tell you how much fixing your car will cost. You can then determine what next steps to take more easily.

Start Fixing Hail Damages Professionally

Now that you know the ins and outs of claiming hail damage twice, it's time to get started. Express Hail Repair is committed to fixing hail damage on all kinds of vehicles.

We offer paintless dent repair on everything from cars to trucks. We're excited to assess your case and help figure out your individual needs and costs. Contact us for an insurance-approved custom estimate 100% free of charge.


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