


hail storm

11 Hail Damage Car Myths Explained

11 Hail Damage Car Myths Explained

When it comes to vehicle hail damage, there are many misconceptions floating around. Here are 11 hail damage car myths explained.

May and June are the most active months of the year when you might expect hail damage to occur. When this happens to your vehicle, you might think you can learn what to do next without much effort, but there is a lot of disinformation out there. So, how can you sift through all you can learn and differentiate the truth from the lies?

This article will go over several of the most common hail damage myths around to help you work out what is true. As you read through them, you should gain a solid understanding of what to do if your vehicle should receive damage.

1. Only Large Hailstones Will Cause Damage

It is not only the mass of the hailstone that causes damage to your vehicle but also the speed at which it moves. If it has fallen from a higher point or had wind blowing it downward, a small hailstone can still cause a great deal of harm.

The average size of such a piece of precipitation in Florida is around the same diameter as a quarter. This can mean a solid strike against your vehicle's body, causing a large dent, if not worse.

2. Hail Damage Repairs Are Not Worth It

While this is a subjective statement, you cannot define the worth of vehicle repair in such a narrow way. While you may not rate the repair of minor dents high, if the damage has caused a leak, you might find the lack of repair causes further issues over time. Thus, you will wish you had invested in repair much earlier.

3. A Tree Will Prevent Hail Damage

Trees might protect your vehicle from the sun and rain, but that is not always the case with hailstones. The vehicle might still feel impacts as the stones bypass the tree's leaves. On top of this, strong enough strikes against the tree itself could dislodge a branch.

Thus, you cannot judge the potential damage on the size of the hailstones alone, and you should be aware there is nowhere that is 100% safe from hail.

4. You Can Fix Hail Damage Myself

While you might be able to enact some minor repairs yourself, even the use of a dent repair kit may not be enough to solve all the issues. There is even every chance that by trying to fix the issue yourself you make it even worse.

By hiring a professional to fix your vehicle, you can get the peace of mind you need. You can know your automobile will soon look as good as it did before the hailstorm.

5. Hail Does Not Affect Vehicle Performance

A lot of the time direct hail damage only affects the body of the vehicle, though this does not mean it will not affect performance. Having dents or holes in your automobile can impact its structure, causing harm that you may feel later on. Not only could this lead to rust or even leaks, but it may impact how much the vehicle will go for at a later time should you put it up for resale.

6. You Will Need to Repaint the Vehicle

While this used to be the case, newer techniques now exist that can protect your vehicle. Paintless dent repair (PVR), for example, protects your automobile while it undergoes repairs.

These new methods mean you do not always need to repaint your vehicle after you take it in for repairs. The only time this would be the case is if it already has scratches or direct paint damage before you send it to the auto shop.

7. You Can Wait Before Investigating Repairs

You always need to be careful about waiting too long, as dents in your vehicle might cause other issues. If moisture makes its way into the body through a deep hail impact, for example, it could cause other issues within your vehicle over time.

8. Hail Damage Makes Insurance Unaffordable

In most cases, hail damage will not always increase your premiums. While you might see a small increase due to making a claim, in the vast majority of cases it will not be a significant jump.

Though, we cannot always be certain this is not the case for every individual. We would recommend you check your specific policy for more information.

9. Hail Damage Repairs Take Too Long

How much time repairs will take depends on many different factors. If your vehicle has received extensive damage across the whole body, then it may take longer. Still, even a moderate hail repair should not take more than a few days to resolve.

The most significant increase in time you can expect, though, is from more people needing repair at the same time. If you wait to book a slot, you might find yourself at the back of the queue. So, you should ensure you get priority repairs by booking a damage inspection today.

10. Hail Repair Will Impact the Resale Value

Shoddy repair work or a lack of repairs will indeed impact how much you can sell the vehicle for at a later time. Though keeping the automobile in pristine condition, even if the repairs are in its log book, will ensure you can get the best price for it. You have nothing to lose by taking it for repairs.

11. All Hail Repair Shops Are the Same

Repair quality is something that can vary a huge amount depending on the repair shop you visit. Expertise, experience, training, and professionalism can all have an impact on the service you receive.

As such, make sure you find a vehicle repair location that takes you seriously and can give you the level of service you deserve.

Find a Hail Repair Shop to Suit You

The above myths should help you understand why hail damage is not an easy issue to solve. You might need to seek out someone who can help you while promising to offer the best professional care. This is what we exist for.

We have several experts on staff who can talk to you about how we can get your vehicle back to the state it was in before the hailstorm. So, give us a call and schedule an inspection today.


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Team member using specialized tools to work on dent repair on a bright orange 4-door sedan

